Viaporin Tuoppi mixed
Viaporin Tuoppi on järjestetty jo 25 kertaa. Otin kilpailusta kuvia ensimmäisen kerran 1987 - satoi, tuuli ja oli kylmä ! Tähän on koottu kuvia eri ajoilta.
Viapori Trophy, famous and important regatta for wooden boats, has been arranged 25 times. Since 1987 I have been shooting boats participating this regatta. The wheather in 1987 was nasty - rain, windy and cold. This section will have images from different years.
Päivänä, jolloin Tuoppi purjehdittiin 1993, nousi kova tuuli, miltei myrsky. Yksi vene upposi, muuutamia mastoja katkesi ja jotkut veneet ajautuivat Suomenlinnan kallioille. Suurin osa purjehti reitin läpi vaikeuksitta.
On the regatta day 1993 the south-west gale caused problems. One small boat sank, some masts were broken and some were washed ashore. However, most of the boats sailed the course through without any difficulties.